Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thank God for the Temple

This happened a few weeks ago, but I've been meaning to write about it since so here it is. For the first time in my life I actually went to the temple hoping to get an answer to a question. Marc & I were trying to decide if we should move or not (from an apt. to a house but it was more money). I prayed a few times at the end of the session and on my way home I actually got my answer! But it was a different version if you will. I didn't really get a push either way, just a peace about whatever we decided would be alright and stop stressing about it. I love it when God answers prayers in interesting ways.

Anyways, I just had to write about that because I'm so happy I'm worthy to actually go to the temple and receive revelation for me and my family (Marc & our 2 cats). We went to the L.A. temple today, it's huge!

1 comment:

  1. It's always nice when you get that feeling. I love the temple. I need to work on going more often!



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